sksurgeryimage.utilities.utilities module

Various utilities, like preparing overlay text.

sksurgeryimage.utilities.utilities.are_similar(image0, image1, threshold=0.995, metric=5, mean_threshold=0.005)[source]

Compares two images to see if they are similar.

  • image0 (image0,) – The images
  • threshold – The numerical threshold to use, default 0.995
  • method – The comparison metric, default normalised cross correlation, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED
  • mean_threshold – Also compare the mean values of each array, return false if absolute difference of image means divided by the average of both images is greater than the mean_threshold, if less than zero this test will be skipped

True if the metric is greater than the threshols, false otherwise or if the images are not the same dimensions or type

sksurgeryimage.utilities.utilities.image_means_are_similar(image0, image1, threshold=0.005)[source]

Compares two images to see if they have similar mean pixel values

  • image0 (image0,) – The images
  • threshold – The mean value threshold to use. return false if absolute difference of image means divided by the average of both images is greater than the mean_threshold.

false if absolute difference of image means divided by the average of both images is greater than the mean_threshold, true otherwise or if threshold is less than zero.

sksurgeryimage.utilities.utilities.noisy_image(image, mean=0, stddev=(50, 5, 5))[source]

Creates a noise image, based on the dimensions of the passed image. param: the image to define size and channels of output returns: a noisy image

sksurgeryimage.utilities.utilities.prepare_cv2_text_overlay(overlay_text, frame, text_scale=1)[source]

Return settings for text overlay on a cv2 frame.